Reborn Baby Dolls: Will They Really Take Over?

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I know it sounds a bit extreme, but it will reborn Do dolls take over for the real thing? If you have children yourself, then you know what I mean. Any parent who has been up all night with a sick child, then has a happy face and goes to work the next day, he can understand. Seriously, a doll (no matter how adorable) could never take the place of our babies. But creations like these might just wander your mind!

These dolls are so incredibly real, they are known as reborn dolls – reborn by a craftsman or a manufacturer. They have become so popular lately that even Dr. Phil and 20/20 have made segments that highlight these works of art. Why does all the attention go to a doll? I think you might agree, if you’ve seen one of these lifelike creations, which are nothing short of breathtaking. I remember the first time I saw one a few years ago. I tiptoed around the room and even looked for breath marks until my friend told me it was a doll! Imagine my surprise (and shock) to discover that what I thought was a precious life was, in fact, a life carefully crafted and assembled with love. reborn baby doll!

I wouldn’t call this new occurrence a trend, but it started recently, in the 1990s. As the wave of electronic toys and games began to overwhelm us with their perfect digital functioning, some hearts and souls were dissatisfied with their inherent coldness. It’s hard to hug a Wii or a PlayStation! It was then that artisans from around the world began to produce and add details to these beautiful dolls that we sometimes mistake for live babies.

Reborn dolls do not have electronics, they do not talk and will never entertain you with some kind of digital screen or video game. I am literally “reborn”from a minor doll to which lots of details have been added. Details like the spot-on coloring (they also have black and Hispanic kids), the perfectly applied hair and facial details that will wow even the ardent unbeliever. The dolls that get their the name from the process that actually created them almost always brings out the maternal instinct in almost any girl (or woman) who is lucky enough to get one of these fantastic dolls.

Since many of these creations are made on an individual basis, it is possible that no two dolls are exactly alike, just like your baby! The rarity of some of the most expensive models from famous artists which sometimes take hundreds of hours to create a perfect baby out of plastic, fabric and paint, can cost as little as $ 5,000!

It doesn’t matter if you spent $ 50 or $ 5,000, yours reborn baby doll can be a surrogate baby to fill the void in your heart that was created the day your last baby grew up and left your nursery. Some reading this might think this is a bit silly, but I say walk in my shoes once your kids are grown and moved. I think you might reconsider. Many professional women who have never had the opportunity to raise a family often have these lifelike dolls to help take the place of children they have never been.

The modern day reborn Baby doll is a work of art that can occupy your heart and your home – and that speaks volumes for something that until a few years ago was considered a mere toy!

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